About Us – ImpactAiNews

Artificial intelligence is created by humans, and it is our responsibility to question the institutions and methodologies shaping its use. In a world where many nations and companies compete to position themselves as AI trailblazers, Impact AI News offers a measured and unbiased perspective.

We track the pulse of AI—highlighting breakthroughs, scrutinizing policies, analyzing challenges, and calling attention when the balance tilts too far in any direction. Here, we delve into AI’s impact on society with clarity and purpose, ensuring the conversation remains grounded and inclusive.

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Editorial guidelines

ImpactNews maintains full ownership and authority over its editorial content and strategy. As a nonprofit media organization, we will consider donations to help support coverage of specific topics that may be aligned with our own mission, but ImpactNews maintains full editorial control of the stories and projects published within those topics. Rest of World editorial leadership retains all rights to decisions to redistribute our content on social media platforms or through other media organizations.

ImpactNews adheres to the traditional codes of ethical journalism: We publish fair, accurate, and thorough reporting by journalists held to the highest professional standards. Our duty, first and foremost, is to our readers and the public. We continuously review, adjust, and improve our internal editorial standards and ethics guidelines to meet the needs of a challenging and constantly evolving media industry.

Our commitments:

Our journalists should be honest in their reporting and information gathering. We do thorough reporting, never cut corners, and prioritize fairness and accuracy. We treat our sources, subjects, and readers with respect. While pursuing stories, we consider the implications of what we publish to the people involved in our reporting. We uplift diverse voices in our stories by prioritizing journalists native to the communities they cover and seeking sources whose voices are less represented in journalism.   We value editorial independence and avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest. We hold ourselves accountable for our work, acknowledge when we make mistakes, and issue corrections promptly and prominently.

We will not misrepresent or conceal our identity as journalists pursuing a story. ImpactNews reporters have been trained and have signed an anti-bribery policy.

If a source asks to speak off the record and the reporter agrees, that information should not be used in a story. Reporters should generally inform sources that going off the record requires prior consent from both parties. They should not allow sources to declare information off the record retroactively.

Reporters should remember the overarching goals of fairness, accuracy, transparency, and honesty. Without disclosing that, we do not refer to a single person as a “source” or represent multiple people as a composite character. We also don’t use a pseudonym unless a source requests to be identified by one.
In some circumstances, ImpactNews may also grant anonymity to less vulnerable sources sharing information in the public interest. Corporate spokespeople who are paid to represent a company generally do not meet the requirements for granting anonymity.

Social media use

ImpactNews staff will maintain professionalism and care while sharing their thoughts and voice on social media platforms. All outside social media contributors who produce work for ImpactNews and republish via other channels and their own are responsible for their content. Their opinions do not reflect the position of the organization. We do not tolerate any behavior that encourages harassment on social media.